訂金: 房間費用1/2
代號: 700
帳號: 0191366 - 0532331
戶名: 李姿嫻
訂金deposit : half of your room rate
國外的朋友 for foreign tourists:
請把金額存到以下戶口 Please transfer the amount to the following account:
銀行名稱 Name of the bank: Hua Nan Commerical Bank, Ltd.
分行 Branch: Tam Sui Branch
地址 Address: No.28 Chung Cheng Rd., Tam Sui Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan R.O.C.
電話 Bank Tel: 886 2 26219680
傳真 Bank Fax: 886 2 26232275
Swift Code: HNBKTWTP
Account No.:
重要提醒 Notice:
請確認訂房後二天內付訂金,如沒有視同自動取消訂房, 匯款完成請來電或mail告知
Please complete the payment within 2
days after room confirmation, otherwise it will be treated as
cancellation of booking. Please send us an email/make a call after
payment is made. Thank you